A lady playing billiards


Generations of barroom athletes have enjoyed billiards as games of skill.  Whether you play for enjoyment in the local pub, or play for keeps on the professional circuit, there are many variations to keep you and your friends entertained.  Nine Ball billiards is one favorite take on the age-old sport. Read more . . .

The number 8 ball


The sport that began as a nobleman’s sport has evolved into a barroom staple.  But make no mistake the sport of billiards, and each of its offspring, still retains that noble spirit.

While proper billiards is rarely found in average clubs,  a number of game variations have become famous with the pub and club set.  One of the most well-known tournament-style billiards games is “eight ball”.  In eight ball billiards,  one set of numbered balls is divided between two players.  Read more . . .

Colorful billiards balls scattered on a blue billiards table


Billiards is an age-old game and to some, a serious game.  While your  idea of fun might involve a casual game of eight ball or snooker, you should also possess a general knowledge of the grand old game of billiards.

The rules of billiards are quite fundamental, and not too unlike the barroom sport you’re more inclined to play.
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Soldiers playing billiards


The modern incarnation of billiards may look something like this: Walking through a smoke-filled bar to reach a room filled with pool tables and crammed with even denser smoke.  The rather unsavory crowd barely recognizes your presence, and you wonder once again why billiards has for so long been called the “noble game?”

Although your local billiards hall may not appear like  a gathering of royalty, the billiards games of yesteryear did. As long ago as the 1600s, there are records of billiards being played by British royalty, though the game hardly resembled what is played today. Read more . . .

Man in red shirt striking the ball


Billiards tournaments, whether on a neighbourhood club or national championship level, are great opportunities to show off your skills and prove yourself to be the best of the best.

Taking part in any type of tournament requires that you understand every rule of the game,  and billiards is no different.  While not a physically taxing game, billiards is mentally challenging,  so it’s essential to know what you’re getting into before signing up. Read more . . .