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Sports betting or, simply, gambling has become more and more popular over the years.   Also known as Internet gambling, its popularity has been further intensified by the growth of online sports betting.  Online sports betting, however, has long been the subject of many controversies. And, in particular, one controversy is its legality.

Normally, when it comes to talking about online sports betting, it is quite common for people to wonder whether they’re breaking a local or state law. Sports betting, as you may know,  has been deemed illegal in many countries in the world, and one particular region that strongly upholds anti-sports betting law is North America. In this area, most states and even the federal government have passed legislations about whether or how it is permitted or not to gamble online, and offline.

It is, however, only until recently that the regulation of online sports betting was left entirely to the discretion of the individual provincial or state governments in North America, and to some extent, the advent of online sports betting created certain levels of confusion about the jurisdiction. One major question that continues is who runs the laws in the virtual world. As you probably know, some of the present gambling laws were created and enacted prior to the design of the Internet. This fact is what in fact makes the application of those customary laws open to different interpretation.

Aside from the concern about the online sports betting laws, another question was raised by the concerned public, that is, if it is legal to run sports betting offshore or online and take business from clients in the United States? Well, the normal answer to this by the U.S. government is that online or foreign sports betting are not legal.

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So,  it is presumed that online sports betting are considered illegal by the U.S. government. However, several reports have disclosed that no bills have been passed to prevent the custom of online sports betting. Much worse is that,  numerous attempts to pass bills in order to thwart the enduring popularity of online sports betting dramatically failed.

Probably,  one particular reason that caused the failure of those anti-sports gambling bills is that the federal government has put much of the jurisdiction for gambling in the hands of individual states, in which some of those states have approved the practice of online sports gambling. Numerous of those states have actually voted on legalizing online sports betting, and North Dakota is one of them.

In contrast, there are other states like Illinois which have added certain legislations that strictly forbid the promotion of online casinos within the state.  Thus far, only three states in the United States have strongly prohibited their people from gambling beyond the state borders: Louisiana, California,  and Nevada.

Today, since some states have enforced anti-gambling laws, although loosely, several sports books online have chosen to stay offshore in foreign countries.  And, to avoid breaching the laws, they rather set up their computer servers offshore as well. It is also crucial to note that although anti-gambling laws are passed, no citizen has even been arrested for participating in online sports betting. But things are changing rapidly in this industry and in the legal arena, so keep your eyes on the law… and on the game!

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