World Champion with his favorite pool cue

Athletes have certain quirks and habits, no matter what sport they’re playing.

Some players massage their basketballs before they hit the court.  Batters on deck at a baseball game will swing the bat over and over as they wait for their turns at bat.  These may look like nervous habits, attention grabbing tactics or ways to entertain the fans, but these athletes are really getting in tune with their equipment.  Knowing the equipment can enable athletes to perform to their full potential.

The game of billiards is no different, whether you are a seasoned expert in the game or a first-time billiards player.  You must know your equipment in order to play the game.

Proven Techniques That Are Guaranteed to Turn Good Players Into Great

True regulation size billiard tables are about 4 1/2 feet off the ground.  The length of the table is about 9 feet, or double the height. A regulation table has a playing surface of about 50 by 100 inches.

The dimensions of billiards tables are not the same as regular pool tables.  It’s important for billiards players who like to practice their technique at home or at a pub or community center to take the differences into account. Some stores that sell or rent billiards tables will allow players to try the tables in the store.  Still, those tables may not be regulation size.

Billiards is a very technical game that involves many angles and a great deal of discipline.  It’s also important to know the dimensions of the pockets you’re aiming for.  Corner pockets are angled at about 142 degrees, give or take a few.  Side pocket angles sit at about 103 degrees.  These numbers may seem completely meaningless, but this is billiards, where understanding the geometry is as important as having the proper cue.

When it comes to the cue, it’s really up to the individual player. A billiard cue should have a 14 mm wide tip.  It is about 40 inches long and weighs 25 ounces.  Billiards balls are 5.5 to 6 ounces in weight and be 2 1/4″ in diameter.  The playing surface of the billiards table must flat, slightly elevated (between .20 and .40 inches) and lightly cushioned to give the ball a little “English” when it’s hit just right.

Billiards, like any game, is quite enjoyable when played by casual observers and serious business to professional players.  Those billiards players who know and understand their equipment will surpass all others who play the game. It takes more than raw talent to be a great billiards player. It also takes a true knowledge of regulation equipment.

You may not see championship players swinging their cues, but you can bet that they are perfectly in tune with their billiards equipment.

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