Billiard's tenth ball

The game of nine ball is improved by the slightly more difficult, yet slightly more exciting, game of ten ball. The only real difference between nine ball and ten ball is the addition of the tenth ball for intensified difficulty. In the game of ten ball, the balls are not counted or are not worth a point value, In fact, the only thing requiredd is to pocket the tenth ball to claim a victory in ten ball. Read more . . .

A group playing bumper pool

Bumper Pool – Bumper pool billiards is a game not nearly recognizable as traditional billiards because the balls are structurally set around the table and around bumpers. Each shooter or team of shooters has five dark or five white balls with a specific ball marked as the “marked” cue ball. Eight bumpers are set up in the center of the billiards table and two other bumpers are on each side of the table with balls being set up around the bumpers or cue balls. Read more . . .

Billiards balls and cue

Businesses focusing in attracting customers by providing top-quality entertainment and leisure options are now hitting the limelight with its increase in number, scope and variety. Even in this time of recovery from the deadly strike of recession, people from cities are still looking for a source of amusement for themselves. This fact was taken advantaged of by a lot of individuals, who are now successful entrepreneurs. If you are interested in being one of them, you should read this article to help you start your own billiards business. Read more . . .

Different sizes of cues

Billiards is a game that requires ability and a lot of practice. In this game of precision, you need to have access to the correct equipment and the perfect accessories because it can attribute to your abilities and can give you better opportunities in mastering the craft.

Of course, the billiard table and the cue are two of the most important tools that you need to be familiar with in playing the game. These instruments can add a whole new light in your recreation and offer your performance a large impact. Read more . . .

Game just started

Today, a lot of people have been showing utter enthusiasm and interest in sports of all kinds. One of these sports is, of course, billiards. This sport has become so famous that more and more people from varying age groups, backgrounds, and personalities, have begun playing it either at home, in sports centers, and in other social and recreational venues. Read more . . .