Billiards table with clear, white and red balls with cues

The game of carom billiards is quite a bit different from most billiards game with the first and most obvious change being that carom billiards do not have pockets. In its earlier form, carom billiards was played on a table that had a grid of rectangular boxes that normally drove the playing of the game. Today, the game is mostly referred to as three-cushion billiards as it requires most shots to contact three walls or cushions before striking a ball for the shot to be considered legal. Here are a few variations of carom billiards:

* Cushion caroms, in general, is played by two or three players with one clear ball, one white spot ball, and one red ball. The opening shot must have the cue ball carom off or bounce one or two cushions before it touches the red ball. After the opening shot, the shooter must simply carom the cue ball off of one or two cushions and then contact either the red or clear ball. Every successful shot counts as a point for the shooter who can continue shooting until she/he doesn’t complete a shot.

* In four ball caroms, the usual set of three balls (the clear, red and white) are used as well as a pink ball. The scoring works by the cue ball caroming off of one or two cushions and making contact with the balls. Generally, if the shot caroms and contacts two balls, it is one point for the shooter, if it contacts three balls it is two points for the shooter. The goal as usual is for to outscore your opponent and you continue shooting until failing to make a legal carom shot.

* Straight rail carom billiards makes use of the standard three ball carom set used by most carom billiards players. The players should agree on the goal for a predetermined point goal to declare the winner before the carom billiards game starts. Usually, the shooter remains up and at play until he/she doesn’t connect on a standard straight rail carom billiards shot.

Proven Techniques That Are Guaranteed to Turn Good Players Into Great

Carom billiards is a terrific way to learn how to make carom shots without the worry of having to pocket a ball. A piece of advice is, it would not be wise to engage in a game of carom billiards with money on the line unless you are a experienced carom billiards player.

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