A group playing bumper pool


Bumper Pool – Bumper pool billiards is a game not nearly recognizable as traditional billiards because the balls are structurally set around the table and around bumpers. Each shooter or team of shooters has five dark or five white balls with a specific ball marked as the “marked” cue ball. Eight bumpers are set up in the center of the billiards table and two other bumpers are on each side of the table with balls being set up around the bumpers or cue balls.

The marked ball is set right in front of the pocket for the defending billiards player and both players try to make balls in the opponent’s pocket. If the shooter, by mistake, shoots his/her last ball into his/her own pocket he/she then forfeits the game to his/her opponent. Marked cue balls must be the first to be pocketed in the bumper pool billiards game, not sinking the marked cue ball first is a foul that has a penalty letting the competing shooter to remove two of his/her balls from the table.

Cowboy – The billiards game of Cowboy is another example of a quick paced game that is played with three balls and needs a good amount of skill. The cue ball is set in a far corner with the one ball set closest to the cue, the five ball in the center, and the three balls on the far side of the table. The objective of the game is to be the first one to get to 101 points by completing a variety of combination shots and carom shots that result in a good number. Usually, there is no traditional break shot as the first player is only required to hit the three ball with the cue.

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Scoring is maintained by combining the totals of the points on the numbered balls, making a carom off of two balls, or making a carom off of three balls. Pocketed balls are reset after every shot to guarantee that every shot includes the same setup of the one, three, and five balls. The ninetieth point must be reached by scoring a precise ninety, not going over, and each additional shot that it takes to reach 101 must be a carom, no direct shots. If a player fouls three consecutive times, it is a loss for that player and the game is effectively ended.

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