Billiards player hitting the ball

The billiards game of rotation is where a lot of the billiards games get their basic principles of game play. For example, seven ball, nine ball, and ten ball come from the basic idea of rotation, but the actual game of rotation is as challenging as any billiards game can be. While the shooter isn’t required to call the shot that they wish to hit, they are needed to hit the lowest numbered ball first in an effort to make more difficult shots.

The balls are racked with the number one ball on the tip and the two and three balls at the back corners, the fifteen ball should be directly in the middle of the rack. Scoring in rotation billiards is based on the point value for every individual ball, the point value being the number on the ball. The shooter gets credited for every legally pocketed ball on each shot, a legally pocketed ball means one that is pocketed after a shot hits the lowest numbered ball on the table first.

Every time a shooter pockets a ball legally, he/she is entitled to keep on shooting until the shooter does not legally pocket a ball. The goal is for a shooter to amass more points by pocketing high numbered balls than his/her opponent. Since 120 points are possible when totalling all fifteen balls, any shooter who gets to 61 points at any time during the game is declared the winner of the game. There is no final shot required to win in rotation billiards as there is no object ball, the only object of the game is to score more total points off of legally pocketed shots than the opponent.

Proven Techniques That Are Guaranteed to Turn Good Players Into Great

Rotation billiards is very similar to many other sports where it is required that you simply outscore your worthy adversary. While it does demand a skilled player to dream up shots that can first hit the lowest numbered ball on the table before pocketing a ball, it is also easier for newcomers to understand the game. Hit the lowest numbered ball on the table first and then pocket any numbered ball on the table, tab the points and enjoy the game!

Filed under: Billiards